10 Ways to Enjoy Your Daily Avocado

I love avocados.

I know I’m not alone in thinking they are the creamiest, most indulgent, deliciously fatty fruits (yes, fruits!) around. But they are also incredibly versatile and pack a nutritional punch. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Potassium (good for the heart)
  • Lutein (good for eye health)
  • Folate (needed to build DNA and red blood cells)
  • B-vitamins (immune-boosting)
  • Vitamin C and E (antioxidant and beauty-enhancing effects)
  • They are great sources of fiber and are low in sugar 

Sure they are full of fat, but it’s GOOD fat! Monounsaturated fats, found in avocados, help raise HDL (the good cholesterol), lower LDL (the “bad” cholesterol), and slow digestion so we feel full longer, thus decreasing cravings and unhealthy snacking.

More and more evidence suggests that eating fat (particularly good sources of fat like avocados) does NOT make you fat. Sugar is the real bad guy (which is found in large quantities in just about every processed food-like item you can buy). So go ahead and make avocados a part of your daily routine. You deserve it! 

Although I just love the taste of avocados and could happily eat them on their own, I understand that for some people that might get boring day in and day out.

So here are ten different ways you can enjoy your daily avocadowithout feeling like you’re eating the same thing every day!

1. Your Favorite Guacamole


I can’t deny that guacamole is my favorite way to eat avocados. It’s just SO dang yummy. I don’t usually toot my own horn but I make the best guacamole around. Yup, major tooting there. It’s my favorite guacamole and if you make it, it will be your favorite too. Here’s the recipe for Your Favorite Guacamole.

2. Cuban-Style Avocado Salad

This is basic but so tasty, and the perfect addition to any meal. There’s no science to it and so there’s no exact recipe you’ll get from me here. It is sliced avocado topped with thinly sliced onion (white or yellow or red – you pick) plus or minus thinly sliced tomato (any kind you like). Salt and pepper to taste and drizzle with olive oil and red wine vinegar. If you want to get fancy, you can infuse your olive oil with some fresh garlic for added flavor. 

3. Put an Avocado in your Smoothie


This may seem like an odd concept to anyone who hasn’t tried it. But putting an avocado right into your smoothie is one of the best ways to get your healthy fats while making your drink indulgently smooth and creamy. And more satisfying without those sugar highs and lows. My favorite avocado smoothie includes 1 avocado, 1 cucumber, 1 banana, the juice of 1 lime and water and ice to blend. It is so refreshing and tasty.  

Or try this Creamy Chocolate Avocado Smoothie from againstallgrain.com, or this Go To Green Smoothie from kriscarr.com. The possibilities are endless!

4. Make a Creamy Sauce for your Zucchini Noodles 

I miss pasta. There, I said it. I don’t necessarily love the pasta itself, but the idea of whipping up pasta and topping it with my choice of sauce and having an easy meal at the ready. Well when I quit grains, pasta went out the window. But I quickly discovered some healthy substitutes for pasta that are just as easy or even easier to make. Zucchini noodles (or “zoodles”) are my favorite pasta substitute.


I LOVE zoodles and they are so incredibly easy to make. I use this fabulous vegetable spiralizer (affiliate link), which makes whipping up zucchini noodles a total breeze. When I’m feeling lazy, I just take the zoodles, sauté them in olive oil until they are soft, and add my favorite jar of organic marinara sauce (I always read the label and make sure there’s no sugar added). But when I’m feeling more ambitious (or I’m just wanting to try something different), I make my own sauce.

If you love creamy sauces but don’t love what dairy does to you, using avocado in your creamy sauce is a great idea (and it’s better for you anyway!). Try this recipe for Creamy Avocado Pasta with Chicken and Asparagus from thehealthyfoodie.com.

5. Make Chocolate Pudding!

Who doesn’t like chocolate pudding? What I don’t like is all the added sugar and other processed ingredients in your typical pudding. Here’s a healthy alternative that you can feel good about eating and sharing with your family, courtesy of californiaavodado.com. And your kids will never know!

6. Spread it on Your Bread or Bread-Substitute 

If you’re grain-free like me, you probably miss eating the occasional sandwich like in the olden-days. But don’t fret! There are lots of grain-free sandwich bread recipes out there, but I have found this one to be the easiest to make, while still having the consistency of bread (from Danielle Walker of againstallgrain.com). I make 2 loaves at a time and then freeze them. Then I pop 2 slices into the toaster whenever I want a sandwich. So where does the avocado come in? Well you could just slice some avocado and add it to your sandwich if that’s the mood your in, but I like to spread it directly on the bread in place of other condiments like mayo or mustard. Just mash the avocado up with a squeeze of lime, a drizzle of olive oil, and a dash of salt and pepper. And there you have it: a healthy spread for your sandwich! Don’t skimp on the veggies and you have yourself a healthy lunch. (You can use your favorite real bread or bread substitute as well).

If you’re more of a wrap-kind of gal or guy, try these Grain Free Tortillas from againstallgrain.com or simply use your favorite lettuce leaves (or regular tortillas if you tolerate grains) to wrap your sandwich contents. 

7. Bake an Egg Into it

I think I’ve seen this video on my Facebook feed about 30 times. And each time I watch the whole thing. Because it’s avocados. And eggs. And it looks amazing. You can get pretty creative with your toppings too! Maybe some sharp cheddar and crumbled bacon?

Do you want to be sure you’re getting the most nutritional punch out of your eggs? I always look for the word “pastured” on my egg cartons. This means that the chickens get to run around outdoors, eating bugs and getting sunshine (making their eggs as nutritious as possible!). Don’t be fooled by the “cage-free” or “free-range” designations. Total tangent but cage-free just means that they’re stuck inside a building, often right on top of each other, just not in cages. Free-range just means that said building has to have a small opening that gives them access to a small outdoor space. If I’m the chicken on the other side of the building, there’s probably no way I’m making it to that door. Just sayin’. 

8. Make Avocado Fries

Yes I said fries. Fried avocado? Yes, please! So this shouldn’t be an everyday way to eat your avocado but from time to time it’s okay to indulge, even if it sounds like something you might find at the county fair. There are several avocado-fries recipes out there but I found some gluten-free and grain-free ones hereand here. Use a healthy oil and they’re not too bad for you! 

9. Brownies anyone?

‘Nuff said. Here’s a grain-free avocado brownie recipe from notsodesperatehousewife.com.

10. Add it to your salad

Okay this is boring in comparison to some of the options above, but really, it’s the easiest way to add some healthy and filling nutrition to your greens. Cube it or slice it and add some protein (like grilled pastured chicken or wild-caught salmon), some nuts, and a tasty home-made dressing and you’re golden!

What’s your favorite way to eat your daily avocado?

Praying for Vibrant Health for you and those you love,

Originally Published 10/28/2015

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